teeny.snug is located in sunny Singapore and embarked on her creation journey since March 2022. She started out with many interests from keebs, clay and vtubers, ultimately deciding to focus on clay creations. She has the most adorable series of artisan cat keycaps called “Potted Pets” on her online store.
Of course, her creations are not limited to just keycaps. She recently introduced a deskbud series where potted cats and dogs were up for purchase to keep you company while you work, adding that something special to your desk setup.
Here is a short video of the adorable deskbuds, all 360 degrees of them! 😄
If you are interested in knowing how to get your own Deskbud or their adorable keycap friends, do check out my review from purchasing from teeny.snug. Thank you for dropping by!
[Exploring Artisan Keycap Artists: teeny.snug]
[Keycap Series: Featuring Artists of the Month]
[Beginner's Guide to Artisan Keycaps: Everything You Need to Know]